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Vermillion Second Grade Students Receive Bike Helmets

Dr. Krell talking with a group of young students.

Each second-grade student in Vermillion received a new bike helmet on April 26 thanks to the annual bike helmet giveaway sponsored by Vermillion Medical Clinic and Vermillion Rotary Club.  This annual event has been helping Vermillion youth be safe for 23 years.

The students gathered at Jolley Elementary School gymnasium and learned about bike safety from cycling enthusiasts, Vermillion Rotary Club members and Dr. Matthew Krell, a pediatrician at Vermillion Medical Clinic, in which he used a watermelon to demonstrate what can happen to your head in an accident.  “I can fix a broken bone or a scraped knee, but I can’t fix a broken head.” Krell encouraged kids to always wear their helmet on every bike ride.

More than 110 helmets were fitted by volunteers from Vermillion Medical Clinic and Vermillion Rotary Club in less than an hour.